Head into your new year with a brand new direction & purpose
Through a combination of powerful workshops and personalised belief coding sessions, you will gain the confidence, self-worth and strategies needed to overcome self-sabotage, fear of failure, fear of judgment, lack of confidence, money blocks, imposter syndrome and procrastination.
By eliminating the limiting beliefs that are currently holding you back, you will unleash your Inner Potential, Empowering you to thrive as an new business owner.
Imagine . . .
😍Having complete Confidence & Clarity within Yourself, Business & Your Goals? So that you can move forwards with Excitement & Passion
🚀Overcoming self-sabotaging behaviours so that you no longer sabotage your own success and instead embrace the success you work towards
😍Having unshakable Confidence from within, so that you can take bold actions towards your goals
🚀Releasing the fear of failure and judgment, enabling you to embrace new opportunities, and be visible in your business, so you can attract new clients/ business partners
😍Confidently Setting healthy boundaries with people so that you can take time for yourself, without feeling guilty
💸Having a healthy relationship with money, removing the money blocks that are currently hindering your financial success
🚀Conquering imposter syndrome, so that you can show up Confidently as the Expert in YOUR field.
😍Overcoming procrastination and cultivate a productive mindset, so that you DONT delay those all important steps you need to take to move your business forwards.
🎉Receiving personalised guidance and support throughout your transformational journey and being a part of an intimate supportive group, who are on the same journey as you. ( Your very own team of cheerleaders!)
💫Removing any blocks so that you are able to co-create with the universe by learning and adopting the law of attraction techniques, that will enable you to have trust in the process and feel less overwhelmed.
Unleash YOUR Inner Potential is designed for you . . .
What this program covers . . .
💫How to Transform Limiting Beliefs - So that you can remove any emotional blocks, that are preventing you from MOVING FORWARDS!
💫Mission & Vision Statement - So you can get super clear on your goals and where you want to be in your Life & Business
💫Procrastination - So you can discover the blocks that are preventing you from currently taking the action steps you need to right now to move your business forwards
💫Fear of Failure - So you can abolish the fear of failing and know that this is your purpose, failure is not an option for you
💫Fear of Judgment - So you no longer have to worry about what people might think, so that you can confidently promote your business
💫Imposter Syndrome - So you can Confidently show up as the expert in your field WITHOUT feeling like a fraud
💫Money blocks - We will dive into your relationship with money so you can transform any limiting beliefs around money that are currently hindering your financial success
💫Confidence & Self Worth - So that you develop a deep sense of self love for yourself , which will build on your Confidence
💫Self Sabotage - So you stop sabotaging your success and create new healthy habits
💫Aspired Action & Surrendering to the Universe - So you can work in co creating with the Universe and build trust that you will be rewards for the actions you take
Despite having desires of my own business, I did not 'believe I was 'good enough' to achieve success.
I started up my own property business as it was a dream of mine, but I soon realised I did not even have the confidence to talk to an agent about properties, so I was not taking the steps I needed to take. I was going through a divorce at the time which effected my mental health, so my business plans took an even bigger dip.
That is when I found this transformational course, I have had profound shifts in my Confidence and ability to what I now KNOW I can achieve.
I found it so profound to my mental health and self worth that I went onto train to become a coach so that I can help others achieve the same transformations and develope that deep sense of self worth.
Although this course is based around your Business desires, Its much deeper than that, from the tools and techniques I teach you and the 121 sessions you will have with me, You Will develope a deep sense of Self love, Confidence & Trust in yourself like you have never felt before.
This is more than a course soley focused on your Business, this is going to transform how you feel about YOURSELF and how you show up in the world!
I have taken numerous clients through this program already, who have now gone onto have profound success within their new businesses & with a whole new Energy & Confidence within themselves. You can see there results on my testimonial page or in the video below!
If you currently have a business or business idea, but you are not moving forwards with it due to lack of Confidence, Overwhelming fears that you will fail ( which is currently preventing you from taking the action steps you need to take in your business) If you are not really showing up on social media talking about your business or promoting your business, because you are worried what others will think of you. If you believe you have a product or service that can help others in some way but you just don't feel confident yet to push forwards, then this is for you.
If you are lacking with self worth and self belief, having an inner voice tell you you are not 'good enough' to be moving forward in your business, this is for you, we will eliminate those negative voices from your head, and create positive and empowering voices so that you are able to create a Life you deserve with Confidence and Self Belief.
You will be supported with your journey for 14 weeks. This will include a one day training on how to use Belief coding on yourself, where you will experience your first profound shift in Confidence. There is 9 group workshops where we cover a topic each week and 2 121 Belief Coding sessions with me.
💫How to Transform Limiting Beliefs
💫Mission & Vision Statement - So you can get super clear on your goals and where you want to be
💫Procrastination - So you can discover the blocks that are preventing you from currently taking the action steps you need to right now to move your business forwards
💫 Fear of Failure - So you can abolish the fear of failing and know that this is your purpose, failure is not an option for you
💫Fear of Judgment - So you no longer have to worry about what people might think, so that you can confidently promote your business
💫Imposter Syndrome - So you can Confidently show up as the expert in your field WITHOUT feeling like a fraud
💫Moneyblocks - We will dive into your relationship with money so you can transform any limiting beleifs around money that are currently hindering your financial success
💫Confidence & Self Worth - So that you develope a deep sense of self love for yourself , which will build on your Confidence
💫Self Sabotage - So you stop sabotaging your success and create new healthy habits
💫 Aspired Action & Surrendering to the Universe - So you can work in co creating with the Universe and build trust that you will be rewards for the actions you take
All sessions will be recorded and uploaded to your private client portal for you to watch and implement in your own time
There will be a private whatsapp group, where you will be connected with the others in the group, you will all be on similar journey's and will be able to support each other, as well as ask me any questions. I will be on hand to answer any questions or extra support you may need, whether that be support around setting things up in your business or emotional support.
Yes! If you would like to pay in full at the early bird price there is a saving of £100
Full Potential Coaching with Sophia
61 Bridge Street, Kington, HR5 3DJ, United Kingdom
07872 337804 |[email protected]
registration number 14556781
Full Potential Coaching is Insured by Balens Ltd trading as Balens registered in England & Wales Reg.No. 493105
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